Tuesday, June 23, 2009


My fingers tap the keyboard
Like a spider's testing staccatto
As it inches warily forward
Into an unknown insect grotto.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Listening to classical piano

Cascading over each other
A waterfall of notes
In liquid harmonies
Upon which my mind floats

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fairy thoughts

Far and away the future flies
On wings as bright as dreams,
A vision passed before our eyes.
Silver gossamer it seems,
That thinly veils our wishing
From the life we erstwhile lead.
The life that stands there dishing
Out the fragile, hopeful seed
That planted in our memory
Will root the suckling plant
Upon which that ephemery,
Our future, will lightly land.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

On entertaining the long lost Uncle from Germany.

For someone I've never met before and who I felt I was supposed to get along with we got on pretty well. It's always hard to get along with someone you're supposed to get along with. Especially when they're staying at your house for a few days. I think he liked us back, even if we ARE religious weirdos and Dad is a conservative. It was nice being able to talk with someone who knows more than I do about art and literature. We stayed up late one night reading funny old poetry and talking about other languages. All in all I had a nice time, and I hope he did too.