Tuesday, October 25, 2011

While you're at work

I miss you when you're gone.
The house is always so still.
I'll be glad when the baby comes,
These quiet hours to fill.
I miss you when you're gone.
My thoughts are away with you,
Waiting for your key in the lock,
Your home-again face in view.
I miss you when you're gone.
Your touch, your smile, your hair.
I ache for your arms around me
When the missing's hard to bear.
I miss you when you're gone.
I wonder what you are at.
I try to imagine your day,
I don't know enough for that.
I miss you when you're gone.
Your day's not twined with mine now
So inseperably like it was
In the weeks and months ago.
I miss you when you're gone.
But that only makes the time
You're here with me that much sweeter
Your bright presence more sublime.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Little L

I nestle close to your father,
He lays his hand where you sleep,
I feel you wake and begin to move
Within your cradle deep.
I see your movements across my skin,
Feel your stretches, rolls, and jerks.
I've yet to meet you little one,
But how I love your quirks!!