Monday, March 2, 2009

First Ever After-Valentine's day Conversation Heart Haiku Contest!

Okay, I know there's people who read my blog. But I don't seem to ever hear from you guys. So I'm taking a leaf out of Diana's book and ask you all to delurk. But I'm giving it a poetic twist. SO! All those who wish to delurk may post a conversation heart haiku, (I know you are all buying them at after-valentine's day sales) and the best haiku, as voted by me, will recieve the prestigious kudos of winning the First Ever After-Valentine's day Conversation Heart Haiku Contest sponsored by Moi! If there's enough interest, this may possibly become a yearly feature. I really hope it does. Because I like reading silly haiku.


MLewis said...

true love yes dear dream it's love
cloud nine in a fog
my man chill out get real you

Aiden said...
