Thursday, April 9, 2009

A description of myself at twenty one.

I am a woman of passion.
I know what I love, beauty, light, life.
The ability to feel and know.
I seek out perfection in everything,
As a child instinctively seeks for learning.

I have little tolerance for faults,
My own and other's,
But that is something I am striving to mellow.

I am beginning to see my life not so much as a journey to an end or a thing to be endured,
But a series of moments to be enjoyed,
Learned from, or simply lived as the case may be,
Leading up to a moment where I will account for all of my other moments.
And in that moment I wish to say I have never wasted a moment.

I have an idea of where I want to go with my life.
I know I love to write, and it must be a part of my life.
I know I am a family woman,
And I will be happier if I have family of my own,
But I can still be happy without that.
I know I need to maintain a relationship with Heavenly Father.
That is how I stay happy.

I am a basically cheerful person by choice.
Being an introspective, deep thinker with a tendency to melancholia,
My attitude is a battle I fight often.
I can be very social, but I need alone time in between.
I crave balance,
Sometimes the middle road,
Sometimes swinging between extremes,
But always balanced.

I can seem far away from you.
Speaking through a filter.
I'm not, I don't know why this is.
Perhaps because I feel so deeply,
I try too hard to protect myself.
I'm speaking through my armor.
If I know you long enough,
My shields will go away.
I will let you into my world.
I wish I could let people in more easily.
Those I do let in I lavish with my love.


hahamommy said...

Happy Birthday - the whole of you <3

Aiden said...

Thanks :-)