Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's BACK!!!!!!

Yes! The conversation heart haiku returns! And this year, THERE IS A PRIZE! I will appoint a few disinterested judges, (I'm thinking the missionaries?) and the author of whichever poem they choose will win an original "Whimsical Bent" jewelry masterpiece created by myself! The rules are: All conversation hearts must be from the same box. You may try different boxes until you find the one your muse is in. Extra points go to those who make their haiku from the Twilight conversation hearts, (complete with sparkles! Or coruscations for those who love their thesaurus) Not that I'm a fan of twilight, I just think sparkly orange flavored conversation hearts are cool. All entries must be posted in the comments or emailed to me (see "about the poetess" for address) with your email address/phone number/some way of contacting you that doesn't involve smoke signals by February 28. Pictures of your haiku, or videos of you making your haiku, get extra points also. Extra points may or may not be considered when judging the winner of the contest, they just mean that you are a cool person. And I appreciate coolness. So for every extra point, you will get an email from me, appreciating your coolness. Thanks to Mary Lewis for being the sole contestant last year! Here's hoping some more people get involved this year.. Yes Debra, I'm talkin' to you.

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