Thursday, October 21, 2010


I loved you and only you before I ever knew you.
There was a place in my heart the precise shape of you,
Just waiting for you and only you to come along fill it.
To fill up the holes in me, and let me fill yours
And the ones we can't fill, we'll give to God.
I dreamed of you and only you, knew your soul with mine,
I just didn't see you at first because I forgot
That your beautiful, shining, noble soul that I knew and loved
Would be clothed in an ordinary human body.
It seemed strange to me that something so wonderful
Could look like everyone else.
I suppose that place in my heart could have accommodated someone else,
It's an awfully big place and someone smaller could have gone there,
But then the gaps would still have been there,
Where the edges of ourselves wouldn't have met so perfectly,
The way they do when I'm with you.
They say there's no such thing as soul mates,
And maybe that's true,
Maybe there's other people out there that could have fit there,
but you chose me, and I've chosen you,
And that means before and ever after, I love you and only you.

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