Sunday, June 3, 2007

A bird may love a fish, but where would they live?

If I were a little bird,
And I loved a little fish,
I'd ever so carefully
Build us a great big nest.
I'd build it out of sticks,
Next to a river broad,
And stuff all the holes with green grass,
And seal it up tight with mud.
Then one by one,
And beak by beak,
I'd fill it with water
Week after week.
And that's where we would live.

If I were a little woman,
And I loved a little man,
I'd ever so carefully
Build us a loving home.
I'd build it out of time
Next to a river broad
And stuff all the holes with kindness
And seal it up tight with God.
Then day by day
And meek as meek
I'd fill it with laughter
Week after week
And that's where we would live.


Anonymous said...

I love it! Great poem.

Julie said...

Thank you so much. That was beautiful.