Thursday, May 3, 2007


Past the new leaf

Turning over the jagged new leaf,
So dangerous looking,
So soft and green.
Changes giving my soul relief.
And hidden underneath
That dangerous leaf
I find a single precious truth.
Beautiful, and sweet to my soul.


I'm sorry Mom, I couldn't help it,
They were such lovely shade of red,
They glistened in the summer sunlight,
Their scent quite litr'ly went to my head.

I thought perhaps I'd taste their sweetness,
Just one to see if they were good,
I thought that it would be a service,
Surely Jam mustn't taste like wood!

That one quite overpowered me.
It's juciness, it's delicate taste,
Were so wonderfully ripe and fresh,
Surely one more wouldn't be a waste?

Well, to make a long story short Mom,
One became a very great many.
Unfortunately, to my surprise,
When I looked again there weren't any.

And so Mother dear I must admit,
I ate your lovely sweet strawberries,
I hope you aren't terribly mad,
Because I also ate your cherries.

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