Sunday, May 3, 2009

Adjectively Alliterating Animals

Angry, addled Alligators
Belching, burping Bushbabies
Crazy, clockwork Crocodiles
Daring, dancing Dodobirds
Effusive, elegant Elephants
Fizzy, frolicking Flamingos
Gargantuan Galloping Gazelles!
Happily hicupping Hippopotomus' (mi?)
Irritated, irked, irate Iguanas
Jealous, jiggling Jaguars
Kaftaned, knickerbockered Kangaroos
Loopy, lazy Lemurs
Mousy, mumbling Mongooses
Napping, natal Nudibranchs
Onerous, oblong Orangutans
Plinking, petulant Platypus' (pi?)
Quizzical, queerish Quahogs
Righteous, rankled Reindeer
Slippery, socialized Sables
Tripping, tantalizing Turtles
Undulating, uppity Uakari
Vituperous, vanquishing Vervets
Worried, winsome Wildebeestes
Xenophobic, xanthocarpous Xemes
Yearning, yiddish Yorkies
Zygodactyl, zymogenic Zenaidas

1 comment:

green ink said...

This is great! You should send it to some zoos, and see if they'd publish it on their web sites, or in their newsletters :)

I think you'd really like this:

They've just done NaPoWriMo (I probably got the order wrong!) and it was really interesting, and they posted some great poetry. One technique they mentioned was the N+7, which I've been experimenting with. I find it fun to write with a fixed form or structure - as you have done here.

Let me know what you think :)